Branching Page

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Branching Scenarios

The branching page gives you the opportunity to create interactive branching scenarios where the learner will navigate to different situations depending on the choices they make.  This is a great way to gamify your learning experience and add an amazing layer of engagement to your learning content.

Branching View

When adding a branching page, you'll first be greeted by the branching view.  This is where you will configure all of the pages and organize your branching tree.  There are multiple options available from this page.  We will go through them following the picture below:


  1. The multiple pages that will populate your branching scenarios are represented by these thumbnails.  The title of the page is displayed as well as an icon representing the page type.  Doing a single click on a page will open the page context menu, a double click will open the page itself for you to go in the page and start building the content for that page.
  2. Click on the '+' icon to add a page to the branching scenario.  This will open the page menu for you to add a new page.  Please note that only blank slides and video pages are available.
  3. Once you have pages loaded, hovering over a page thumbnail will show an arrow connector.  Dragging this connector to another page will link both pages in the direction pointing.
  4. A connector linked in blue means that both pages are connected and have a button set from the originating page that has its behavior to navigate to the connected page.  These pages are ready to go.
  5. A connector linked in gray means that both pages are connected, however, they do not have any button set yet to point from the originating page to the connected page.
  6. This icon means this page is the start page.  Navigating to the branching page in the course menu, this will be the first page the learner will see in the branching scenario
  7. The thermometer icon will be displayed on top of the page thumbnail whenever it is set to 'on' on that page

Page Context Menu

In order to open the page context menu, do a single click on a page thumbnail.  You will have multiple options to set from there, and a way to access the content of the page for modifications.  The image below shows all of the options available to you:


  1. The title screen will allow you to change the title of the current page selected.
  2. The 'Start Page' function will designate this page as the first page the learner will see when arriving in the branching scenario
  3. Setting 'Show the thermometer' to 'on' will add a thermometer icon inside of the page to showcase if the learner is doing good or bad.  You can set the thermometer on each page to these settings:  Excellent, Good, Average, Bad, Very Bad.
  4. Setting the 'Optional for branching completion' to 'off' will require the learner to go through that page in order to consider the branching scenario as completed
  5. The Branches submenu will show all of the branches that are on that page.  Clicking on the 'x' button will delete that branch from the page branches
  6. Click the 'edit' icon to go into the page content in order to modify the page itself.  You can also double-click on the page thumbnail to quickly access the content.
  7. Click the 'duplicate' icon to create a duplicate of the page.
  8. Click on the 'delete' icon to delete the selected page.  Be careful, you cannot undo this operation.

Setting Up A Branching Page

When editing the content of a branching page, you will notice that it is exactly the same as editing a normal blank slide or a video page.  The only exceptions to this are the thermometer and the branching options.  Let's go over those:


Thermometer:  If the thermometer was set to 'on' for that page, you will see the thermometer icon appear with the value that it was assigned.  You can move and resize the thermometer accordingly.

Branching options:  You will have to set your branching behaviors inside of this page as well.  This can be done with any interactions, but buttons will mostly be used for setting those.  Once you have your buttons set up to point to the various pages linked in the branches menu, simply click on one of the interactions, make sure you have the 'behavior' tab selected for your interaction.  In the 'action' section, click on either 'on click' or 'on hover', this will open the behavior window to set your button.


From there, choose 'Navigate to page'.  In the 'Action' field, choose 'Go to a branched page'.  Then click on 'Select page'.  The pages that you branched to in the 'branches' menu will appear here.  Select the page that you want to point to.  If it's a video page or a slide with time on it, you can also point to a specific bookmark that you set earlier if need be by choosing the bookmark in the 'Go to specific time frame (Bookmark)'.  Finish by clicking on 'Done'

Once you are done, repeat this process for every buttons that you have that needs to point to various pages in your 'Branches menu'.

This is it, you'll be creating your multiple pages in no time and a complex branching tree to create an engaging interactive learning experience.  Experiment with this feature, there is a lot of ways to set these scenarios up.

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